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So, you have applied for one apartment you like? Nice! now here comes the worst part: screening process. This screening process will take around 2 weeks, and what should you do during this waiting period? Here are two things you need to know:

Wait, wait, and wait...​

Applying for an apartment in Japan is like applying for University, you need to wait until the result is out or until someone from management company or guarantor company gives you a phone call!

Get ready to answer phone!

Background check is also part of the screening process. Unfortunately, one way to do so is to give applicants direct phone call (yes, in Japanese!). In some cases, if applicants cannot answer in Japanese, their application will be rejected!

Wait, wait, and wait...

Applying for an apartment in Japan is like applying for University, you need to wait until the result is out or until someone from management company or guarantor company gives you a phone call!

phone apartment

Be ready to answer phone call!

Background check is also part of the screening process. Unfortunately, one way to do so is to give applicants direct phone call (yes, in Japanese!). In some cases, if applicants cannot answer in Japanese, their application will be rejected!

In summary, whether or not your application will get accepted depends entirely on the owner/ management company and guarantor company. If both management and guarantor company accept your application, then congratulation! you can enjoy your new room! One thing you need to understand is that your Japanese skill has a huge impact on your application! Some owners/landlords/ management companies directly reject application from foreigners, while some can accept application from foreigners ONLY if they speak decent Japanese, at the same time, some will also accept foreigners who do not speak Japanese at all. So please pick your apartments carefully! you also need to check with the agents about the owners/landlords/ management companies of some apartments you are interested in!


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