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Things to Prepare for Apartment Application in Japan

Before you make a trip to our office (or other agency), it is highly advised to prepare all these documents and information first in order to save commuting time! All these documents and information is necessary to complete apartment application in Japan if you are a foreigner. Even though each apartment owner has different requirements, these documents and information are always asked during the application process!   Below is a list of 7 REQUIRED documents, as well as other SUPPLEMENTARY documents you should prepare before you apply for an apartment in Japan!

1. Passport

passport for apartment application in Japan

Make sure your passport is valid during times of application!

2. Residence Card


Residence card (Zairyu card, 在留ーカード, zairyu kado). Make sure your residence card is valid during time of application!

3. Proof of Employment / Enrollment

You also may need to provide proof of employment from your current place or work OR proof of enrollment from your current University you are enrolled now. It can be in form of student ID or Faculty ID. (Image is sample from Hokkaido University).

4. Japanese phone number

Japanese phone number

Japanese phone number is needed during screening process. Owner or management company or guarantor company may give you a direct phone call in Japanese (depending on the place you are applying to). So if you do not have a Japanese phone number, it is highly suggested to get one now. 

5. Emergency Contact in Japan

Does not need to be Japanese, can also be foreign national, but need to be able to communicate in Japanese good enough. (Some owners may require the emergency contact to be a Japanese national who resides in the same city as the apartment you are applying to).  You may ask your friends or coworkers who fit such criteria. Things you need from them: 

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • HOME address
  • Cellphone number

Depending on which apartment you apply for, sometimes owner or guarantor company or management company will give your emergency contact a direct phone call in Japanese!

6. Emergency Contact in Home Country

emergency contact in home country

Emergency contact in home country, can be your parents or relatives or friends (Japanese language skill is not required).

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • HOME address
  • Cellphone no.
  • Relationship (Parents/ relatives/ etc)

7. National Health Insurance Card

National Health Insurance Card (国民健康保険, kokumin kenkou hoken). This kind of insurance is not to be mistaken for Property insurance (家財保険, kasai hoken). You may need to do separate Property insurance when you sign contract (after you pass screening process). 


After preparing all the 7 required things listed above, it is better to prepare the following supplementary documents to strengthen your application even more! Depending on the apartment you will apply, sometimes the following documents and information are also asked during the application process! So it is better to also prepare these documents before hand!

Japanese Bank Account

You will need to have a Japanese bank account ready before you sign a contract (after you pass the screening process). When you sign the contract, you will need your Japanese bank account information for monthly rent payment.  Even though bank account information is needed later, it is better to prepare them as early as possible!

Proof of Residence

In some cases, proof of residence (住民票, juminhyo) is also needed to complete the application. You can get this document easily from the ward office (区役所, kuyakusho) of your area. Things to pay attention to:

  • You need to pay 300 yen to obtain this document
  • Make sure you go to the right ward office, the one you are currently residing!

So these are all necessary documents and information you need to prepare before hands. Again, each owner has different requirements, some additional documents like proof of income or other financial documents may be asked as well. Please check with your agent regarding all necessary documents needed to apply to the apartment you like! 


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