31,000 円
31,000 円
日本、北海道札幌市北区北17条西3丁目2−10 コーポ幌北
Located close to kita 18 gate of Hokkaido University. 3rd floor room
- Facilities: Balcony; City Gas
- Benefits: Lower gas utility fee (city gas); spacious units with affordable price
- balcony
- city gas
- closet
- shoes box
- not furnished
- Bicycle Parking?: available
- Motorbike Parking?: none
- Air Conditioning: none
- Room Heating: city gas
- Water Heating & Kitchen: city gas
- Stove: None, gas stove can be installed
- Toilet type: Normal toilet, no washlet
- Washing machine base: Indoor
- Intercom: none
- Resident Manager: Patrol shift
View on map / Neighborhood
- Ward: Kita
- Station [Namboku]: Kita 18
- walk distance (minute) [Namboku]: 3
Initial Costs
- First month rent: 36,430 円
- Deposit: 30,000 円
- Guarantor fee: 10,000 円
- Insurance fee: 18,000 円
- Cleaning fee: 22,000 円
- Water disinfection fee: 11,000 円
- Contract fee: 30,000 円
- TOTAL INITIAL COST (EST.): 157,430 円
Monthly Costs
- Monthly Rent: 30,000 円
- Management Fee: 3,000 円
- 24 Hour Security: 1,100 円
- Water (Flatrate): 2,000 円
- Miscellaneous: 330 円
- TOTAL MONTHLY COST (w/o utility): 36,430 円
This property is listed in Beststay.jp, an apartment search platform for foreigners in Sapporo, Hokkaido. この物件はbeststay.jp、札幌北海道外国人向けの不動産サービス、掲載されています。这套房子是在beststay.jp,在札幌北海道帮华人找房子的服务平台,发布的.
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